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the word which means many things

von FinsterKlinge am 06.12.2010 13:52

the people are searching for a sense into their lifes, or the meaning of life.

life is the way you build it

but what can we build nowadays?

we are all terribly lost.
so many "young" generations of people which are living something, but doesn't know what.
everything arround us is manipulating us, but let us think that we have a free will.
what are we? everything and nothing at the same time!
we are empty shapes which are trying to get filled with life.

many are trying to get filled with religion, or trying to understand the life with it.
so many people... so many religions... one common thought.
the believe is very powerfull and can change us.

but which is the right believe to finaly be saved from the emptiness?
Christianity? Judaism? Islam? Buddhism? or all those other religions?
Some people are even trying to be filled with satanism...

satanism, nothing else than another religion, even if their followers do not realize it!
but it is a religion completly different then all others.
in this "religion" the hate is celebrated, the disorder, the chaos.
into this brainwashing religion is no place for love or life.

sure, i know that also all other religions are somehow brainwashing and are not innoscent.
but the satanism is extremly this way.
people which are lost or on the research of a meaning in their lifes are catched and manipulated until becoming nothing else than slaves.
satanism is nothing else than abuse and use the people.

for me satanism is only pure hate, and i fight this!

puting the satanism beside, what left? all other religions.
the common thing in all religions is the creator of everything.
this creator has many names. the most famous name is god.

but who or what is god?
well for many people god is the ultimative answer for everything.
the salvation, the hope, the life, the love.

but in the end "god" is nothing else than a word!
a word which receives a meaning because of the believe of the people.
it is a word which means many things.

i am not following any religion, but i believe in the life, i celebrate the life and respect it!

to believe in the life and in love gives me strength.
somehow the life and the love are my religion.
for me this one word "god" is life, is love.

i found my love, and i am so happy and thankfull!
now i also got a life.
when i say "i love you" to my love, she becomes in this second everything for me.
my godess and my life.

nothing else matters!
but also in all other moments, all the time, she is my life!

one smile of her is filling me with happiness, one caress in my face is making me dreaming, one look with her beautifull eyes is making my heart beating, one kiss of her is chasing all worries away, and one "i love you" from her is making me become one with her.

baby, i madly love you and you are my life.
you are everything for me.
nothing else matters.


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